Amerikansk senator fokuserede på nedkæmpelse af krypto-hvidvaskning af penge - opfordrer kongressen, Regulatorer skal handle

OS. Senator Elizabeth Warren har opfordret Kongressen til at sikre regulatorer, såsom Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), har værktøjerne til at regulere kryptoindustrien effektivt og slå ned på kryptohvidvaskningsaktiviteter. “Den nuværende juridiske struktur i det væsentlige…

Den amerikanske regering beslaglægger Robinhood-aktier knyttet til FTX-grundlæggeren Sam Bankman-Fried

USA. Justitsministeriet (DOJ) is in the process of seizing Robinhood shares, worth about $460 million, that are linked to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). “We believe that these assets are not property of the bankruptcy estate or

Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts: Crypto er en ikke-eksisterende aktivklasse for de fleste store institutionelle investorer

A strategist at global investment bank JPMorgan says crypto is effectively nonexistent as an asset class for most large institutional investors. “The volatility is too high, the lack of an intrinsic return that you can point to makes it very challenging,”…

Fidelity diskuterer Bitcoin som porteføljeforsikring - kan snart stå i "stærk kontrast" til vejen for Fiat-valutaer

Fidelity digitale aktiver, a subsidiary of Fidelity Investments, says that bitcoin could be considered portfolio insurance. The firm notes that the cryptocurrencymay soon stand in stark contrast to the path that the rest of the world and fiat currencies may

Data viser de globale økonomiske forhold, der er strammet inden for 2 Flere år, Rystende obligationsmarkeder peger på langsigtet inflation

At the end of the trading day on Monday, Wall Street was roiled once again as major stocks plunged during the days trading sessions. Most news outlets indicate the Russia-Ukraine war is causing the bleak outlook and reports show strained financial

St.. Louis Feds James Bullard ville 'støtte at starte taperen i november' for at reagere på inflation

St.. Louis Federal Reserve -præsident James Bullard sagde tirsdag til pressen, at han mener, at U.S.. centralbanken skal afvikle købet af $80 milliarder værd at købe månedlige obligationer. Bullard siger, at han ville støtte nedtrapning starter som…